Burnley Road Environmental Permit Issued

On behalf of Green Aggregates Limited, PDE Consulting Limited submitted an application to the Environment Agency for a new bespoke waste operation permit for a road planings recycling facility located on land off Burnley Road, West Thurrock, Essex, RM20 3ED. The Site will be used for the crushing and screening of road planings only. The storage and treatment of road planings will be undertaken in a building with dust suppressions measures installed. Annual waste throughputs are limited in the permit to a maximum of 220,000 tonnes.

The application was submitted on 05 October 2023, it was duly made on 31 January 2024 and the permit was issued on 03 April 2024. No Schedule 5 notice was issued requesting further information. From submission of the application to receipt of the final permit took six months.

The Site will act as a processing hub for planings removed from roads within the region, whereby the material is subsequently processed and recycled for re-use in similar applications. Processed planings will be used in the adjacent asphalt manufacturing process, also to be operated by Green Aggregates Limited, or transported off-site for use elsewhere.

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