Congratulations to Land Logical Thorney Limited

Land Logical Thorney have recently been granted planning permission to allow for the extraction, processing, sale and distribution of 3.4 million tonnes of sand and gravel, the erection and use of a concrete batching plant, the establishment of an inert waste recycling facility, the use of inert residues for restoration together with necessary highway and access improvements on Land at Pasture House Farm, Thorney, Peterborough following our planning application and environmental statement in October 2015.

The Environment Agency have also issued an environmental permit for the site, the total volume of waste to be imported will be around 200,000m³ per annum. Of the total amount imported, it is expected that 50% shall be recycling and sold back into the market as a variety of products and the remaining materials shall be finally disposed of at the Site in the course of its restoration.

The development will provide significant benefits for the area, the employment of around 25 full time employees, the supply of high quality minerals, recycled aggregates, restoration and all in conformity with current planning policies and in support of economic growth.  Permanent highway improvements will also be made and we are now progressing with further submissions to discharge the pre-commencement planning conditions.

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