PDE Consulting Limited recently prepared a planning application on behalf Sewells Reservoir Construction Limited (SRC) for a western extension to Martells Quarry. The application seeks to enable the extraction, processing, sale and distribution of silica sand and gravel, subsequent restoration using inert materials along with the creation of new access.
Martells Quarry is an allocated site for silica sand and gravel extraction within the adopted Essex County Council (ECC) Minerals Local Plan and the development will enable SRC to continue to supply aggregates to the local construction industry.
The application, which was submitted to ECC, was put before ECC’s Development and Regulation committee on the 24 September 2021. The committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement.
Four Section 73 applications were submitted alongside the extension application, to vary a number of conditions attached to extant planning consents, including the variation of timescales to bring the existing permitted developments in line with the western extension, as well as a number of other minor alterations to support the western extension.