Norlands Lane – Planning Application Validated

On behalf of Land Logical Norlands Lane Limited PDE submitted a planning application to Surrey County Council to allow for the importation of soils to allow for improvements to gas management and surface water drainage, together with the provision of a long-term sustainable landform with associated biodiversity enhancements on land at Norlands Lane Landfill, Egham, Surrey.

The planning application was validated by Surrey County Council on 17 May 2024.

Norlands Lane Landfill has a long history associated with mineral extraction and subsequent landfilling dating back to the early part of the 20th Century. In 1977 a waste disposal licence was issued allowing for the disposal of household, commercial and industrial wastes, though landfilling at the Site is known to date back to 1949. Landfilling at the Site continued up until September 2003, after which the Site was closed and restored.

In the years following restoration the Site has been impacted by significant differential settlement which has resulted in the formation of an undulating surface profile which has given rise to issues relating to the management of landfill gas and surface water. This undulating profile is inconsistent with the original restoration objectives for the Site. These issues combined with ageing landfill gas management infrastructure means that there is now a need to undertake engineering works on the Site to ensure its long term sustainability.

Should planning permission be granted it will allow Land Logical to import 600,000 m3 of soils to the Site over a period of six years. This will allow the correction of differential settlement and the upgrade of the landfill gas management infrastructure which will ensure a greater quantity of landfill gas can be collected and converted to electricity for supply to the National Grid. As part of the proposed development the Site’s surface water drainage system will be upgraded to ensure the sustainable management of water into the future. Following the completion of soil placement operations, the Site will be restored with a number of biodiversity enhancements to deliver a net gain in biodiversity.

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