Permission Granted for the Restoration of Land at Stone Pit 1

On the 24th July 2018 PDE received confirmation that permission has been granted for an application submitted to Kent County Council on behalf of our client Land Logical Limited. The application facilitates the continued restoration of the northern half of Stone Pit via the importation and recovery of inert engineering materials and soils to establish a sustainable final landform.

In 1983 Dartford Borough Council granted permission references DA/83/95 and DA/83/96 which revised the infilling, landscaping and restoration of previous consents. In the latter stages of restoration, a gas extraction and migration control system was installed within the soil sub layer. Following initial restoration, settlement of the waste mass has occurred over large areas of the Site, resulting in an unattractive, steeply undulating landform containing numerous ponded hollows. This settlement has also resulted in the gas infrastructure emerging to the surface, causing damage and reducing the efficiency of the system.

The restoration of the Site permitted within the application submitted by PDE will enable the establishment of an attractive green amenity space with numerous biodiversity benefits as wells as improving the gas management system.

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