Strabag, Hartlepool – Permission Granted

PDE Consulting Limited recently submitted a planning application to Hartlepool Borough Council on behalf of Strabag AG for the demolition of buildings and the erection of a concrete batching plant with ancillary infrastructure at Plot 2, Greenland Road, Hartlepool.

Planning permission was granted on 13 January 2022 subject to conditions. The grant of planning permission is great news for Strabag who intend to redevelop the Site in order to produce pre-cast concrete structures. The proposal will utilise a number of existing buildings at the Site and will make use of the adjacent rail and Port facilities.

The grant of permission is also fantastic news for the local area since the Site has been vacant for a number of years following the departure of the previous occupier, Hereema. The grant of permission will enable the vacant land to be brought back into productive industrial use and shall provide a significant number of new jobs in addition to supporting existing employment and supply chains within the wider port and surrounding locality.

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