Atlas Park, Stone Pit 1 – Permission Granted

Land Logical Limited recently applied to Dartford Borough Council for the erection of one and two storey buildings to provide a Neighbourhood Centre comprising of a mix of uses including A1 (retail), A2 (financial and professional), A3 (restaurant/cafe), B1a (office) and D1 (medical centre/non-residential institution) on land at Stone Pit 1, Dartford, Kent. The proposals also included the provision of a Sports Club to comprise of football/sports pitches with clubhouse (use class D2) and associated car park, floodlights, enabling land level changes with retaining walls and security fencing, a new internal access road from London Road as well as the provision of recreational open space.

Stone Pit 1 comprises of a former chalk quarry which was active for a number of years and was subsequently infilled with a mix of inert, semi inert and putrescible waste. Waste disposal operations were followed by progressive restoration which completed in 1993. However, the Site was subsequently left vacant and became subject to unauthorised use by travellers. A further two phases of restoration were consented by Kent County Council on 19 September 2013 and 24 July 2018 in order to correct historical settlement within the site and provide a landform better suited to an after use for local amenity.

Throughout the application process PDE Consulting Limited provided support to Land Logical Limited in respect of the proposed development, liaising with environmental specialists covering issues of surface water management, foundation design, earthworks, ground contamination and gas.

Planning permission was granted by Dartford Borough Council on 14 September 2020, subject to conditions. The grant of planning permission is great news as the development, once constructed, will provide a long-term sustainable after use for the Site which will contribute to the health and wellbeing of residents within the local area.

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