Cavenham Quarry Asphalt Plant – Planning Permission Granted

On 17 December 2020, Suffolk County Council’s Development and Regulation Committee resolved to grant permission to allow for the variation of conditions 1 and 2 attached to planning permission reference F/15/0110 to allow for the retention and operation of the asphalt plant and associated infrastructure on land within Cavenham Quarry, Marston’s Pit, Cavenham, Suffolk until 31 December 2024 and restoration of the land by 31 December 2026.

The asphalt plant has been linked to the wider Cavenham Quarry complex for a considerable number of years and obtains approximately 40% of the raw materials required for the operation of the plant from the existing Quarry.

The decision is great news for Breedon Southern Limited as it will allow for the asphalt plant to remain in operation in line with the extant permission for the wider quarry.

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