Cavenham Quarry Extension and Restoration Application – Planning Permission Granted

We recently submitted an application to Suffolk County Council on behalf of Allen Newport Limited for an extension to Cavenham Quarry for the extraction, processing, sale and distribution of sand and gravel and subsequent restoration using inert materials together with the establishment of a replacement recycling facility with the continued use of the existing processing plant, ancillary infrastructure and access.

The application also sought to allow for an alternative restoration scheme for the existing quarry using inert materials.

The application was presented to Suffolk County Council’s Development and Regulation Committee on 17 December 2020, where the committee members voted to grant permission for the proposed development.

The decision is amazing news for Allen Newport Limited, as it will allow for a continued supply of sand and gravel for the local construction industry. The alternative restoration scheme will be more appropriate to the Brecks Landscape and will ensure that the land will provide long term ecological gain. The restoration scheme allows for the Site to be restored to suitable heathland for stone-curlew, which is in keeping with the surrounding land use.

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