Dollymans Farm – Restoration Proposal Resolved to Grant

PDE recently submitted a planning application to Essex County Council on behalf of SRC for the final disposal of inert waste residues to establish an appropriate and sustainable final landform together with the installation and use of a soils washing plant for the recycling of inert waste, a separate silt press and associated access and ancillary development on land at Dollymans Farm, Wickford.

The application was presented to Essex County Council’s Development and Regulation Committee and resolved to grant permission on 24 May 2019.

The Site, formerly used as a borrow pit for the construction of the nearby A130, has remained in its current state as an unnatural steep-sided depression within the landscape for many years following the completion of the road. This not in keeping with the surrounding landscape and the Site presents significant challenges for farming, especially due to significant pooling of surface waters during winter months.

The grant of permission will enable SRC to dispose of inert waste residues in order to establish a more natural and sustainable landform with associated improvements to the landscape, surface water management and biodiversity. Improvements will also be made to cultural heritage through the enhancement of the setting of two listed World War I memorials close to the boundary of the Site. The inclusion of the soils washing plant will also enable SRC to push material up the waste hierarchy whilst facilitating a more sustainable restoration landform.

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