On behalf of our client The Lyndon Pallett Group Limited, PDE recently submitted four Section 73 applications to Norfolk County Council, relating to developments at Kirby Cane Quarry, Yarmouth Road, Kirby Cane, Bungay, Norfolk, NR35 2HJ. The applications seek to allow for the variation of Condition 1 attached to planning permission references C/7/2015/7018 and C/7/2015/7019; the variation of Condition 2 attached to planning permission reference FUL/2023/0046; and the variation of Condition 5 of appeal decision reference APP/X2600/W/22/3305638, to allow for an extension of time to complete mineral extraction and restoration operations.
The applications were validated by Norfolk County Council on 11 March 2024.
The extension of time is sought following lower than anticipated sales of primary aggregates, which was exacerbated by the Covid 19 pandemic which resulted in a slowdown in activity within the construction sector during 2020 and 2021. Should planning permission be granted it will allow for the remaining mineral reserves within the Site to be extracted and the Site restored in accordance with the approved restoration scheme.
PDE Activity