In November 2019 PDE Consulting Limited produced a Section 73 application that was submitted to East Sussex County Council by the Client FM Conway Limited. The application sought to allow for the variation of Condition 2 attached to planning permission reference LW/789/CM(EIA) to allow for changes to the layout of the permitted development and specification of the asphalt plant to be installed at their site in Newhaven, East Sussex.
The grant of planning permission on 20 February 2020 has enabled FM Conway to install and operate an alternative asphalt plant at the Site to that which was originally envisaged under the previous planning consent.
The new plant will provide greater opportunity to utilise recycled materials in the manufacture of asphalt products, which is increasingly sought after within the UK asphalt sector. The new plant will enable FM Conway to play a vital role in the manufacture of more sustainable asphalt products into the future.