Suffolk County Council recently announced the adoption of a new Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The Suffolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan (SMWLP), adopted on 09 July 2020, sets out the framework for the determination of planning applications for minerals and waste development in Suffolk up to 2036.
The new SMWLP identifies a requirement for 9.300Mt of sand and gravel to be supplied over the plan period to the end of 2036 and has allocated nine sites with sufficient reserves to meet this demand.
In preparing the SMWLP Suffolk County Council sought representations for potential minerals and waste developments to meet the anticipated demand for minerals and waste management capacity over the plan period to 2036. As part of this process, PDE prepared representations on behalf of Aggmax Transport Limited, Allen Newport Limited, and Shotley Holdings Limited.
The representations submitted by PDE and incorporated within the SMWLP include:
- A northern extension to Lawn Farm Quarry, Wetherden, submitted on behalf of Aggmax Transport Limited, comprising an estimated reserve of 750,000t of sand and gravel.
- A western extension to Cavenham Quarry, Cavenham, submitted on behalf of Allen Newport Limited, comprising an estimated reserve of 3,545,000t of sand and gravel, together with an alternative restoration scheme for the existing Quarry to reinstate the land back to heathland following the completion of mineral extraction. And;
- An eastern extension to Folly Farm, Tattingstone, submitted on behalf of Shotley Holdings Limited, comprising an estimated reserve of 756,000t of sand and gravel.
The representations submitted by PDE and adopted by Suffolk County Council within the SMWLP account for 5.051Mt of the total 9.300Mt of sand and gravel demand identified by Suffolk County Council for the plan period!
The adoption of representations submitted by PDE within the SMWLP will enable Aggmax Transport Limited, Allen Newport Limited and Shotley Holdings Limited to play a major role in the support of the local construction industry and remain at the forefront of minerals and waste development in Suffolk well into the future.