Flood Bund Construction – Design and Maintenance Report Approved by the Environment Agency

On behalf of S Walsh and Son Limited, PDE submitted a Design and Maintenance Report to the Environment Agency (EA) for the construction of a flood defence bund at East Tilbury Quarry.

It is acknowledged that the restoration of the quarry complex at East Tilbury and the proposed restoration landform presents an increased flood risk to areas of East Tilbury due to its impact on the flood plain storage capacity. The proposed flood defence works mitigate for this increased risk and also decreases the overall flood risk to East Tilbury. The restoration landform will be shaped to form a secondary flood defence by creating two sluice gates and associated earth-bunded structures.

Construction of the flood bund is required in accordance with the planning permission for the restoration of the quarry.

In accordance with a Section 30 agreement (S30), it was necessary to submit a Design and Maintenance Report to the EA, and gain their approval prior to construction. As part of the supporting information it was necessary to undertake detailed topographical surveys, undertake hydraulic modelling, produce a geotechnical design report and produce a series of detailed construction drawings.

The report was submitted by PDE in June 2020 and approved by the EA in October 2020.

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