Henham Quarry – Permission Granted

On behalf of our client The Lyndon Pallett Group Limited, PDE recently submitted a Section 73 application to Suffolk County Council (SCC) for the variation of Condition 28 attached to planning permission reference SCC/0214/17W relating to operations at Henham Quarry, Suffolk.

The application sought to allow for the implementation of a Mitigation Strategy and Non-Licensed Reasonable Avoidance Measures (RAMS) for Great Crested Newts, to replace an earlier Precautionary Method Statement.

Planning permission was granted by SCC on 05 April 2023.

The grant of planning permission is welcome news for The Lyndon Pallett Group as operations at the quarry have been heavily restricted for a number of years. The implementation of the Mitigation Strategy and Non Licensed RAMS ultimately allows for the full recommencement of operations at the Site in a sensitive manner, ensuring the continued protection of great crested newts and enabling mineral extraction and restoration operations to progress in accordance with the previously approved working and restoration schemes.

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