Strabag, Hartlepool – Permission Granted

On behalf of our client STRABAG AG PDE Consulting Limited submitted a planning application to Hartlepool Borough Council for the erection of a concrete batching plant, gantry cranes, pre-storage shed, laboratory and ancillary infrastructure together with the demolition of a disused building on land at Greenland Road, Hartlepool. This application follows a previous consent obtained by PDE for a similar development at the Site, but allows for revisions to the previously approved Site layout, including the installation of two gantry cranes and a pre-storage shed to be used for the storage of manufactured concrete structures.

Planning permission was granted by Hartlepool Borough Council 17 March 2023.

The grant of planning permission allows STRABAG to continue with the construction of the development at Greenland Road with the inclusion of additional infrastructure which will provide an important supporting role in operations at the Site, increasing the Site’s efficiency. Once fully operational, the development will provide a significant number of new jobs to the Site which has been vacant for a number of years, providing opportunities for economic growth in the local area.

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