Waste Recovery Permit Surrendered

PDE is pleased to report that the Environment Agency (EA) have confirmed surrender of the environmental permit for a waste recovery project on land off Dock Road in North Tilbury Essex. Under the conditions of the recovery permit S Walsh and Son Ltd imported 200,000m³ of inert and excavation wastes to the site in order to raise the ground level to provide a development platform for a mix of warehousing and distribution, offices, light industry and haulier parking.

Following EA approval of the waste recovery plan and submission of a bespoke permit application, the waste recovery permit was issued in April 2014. The waste operation was completed by the end of 2015 and it was agreed with the local EA officer that the site would qualify for a ‘low risk’ surrender.

The surrender application was duly made upon receipt and the EA had no cause to request any further information for determination. Permit surrender was confirmed by the EA as of 15 April 2016 and construction of the buildings is well underway.

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